How Much Caffeine Is Too Much? Caffeine For Health

Caffeine seems to be an excellent response whether you’re dragging yourself out of bed on a rainy morning or attempting to endure the world’s longest staff meeting. Is your caffeine addiction beneficial or harmful?

True, it may boost your energy and help you get through the day, but registered dietitian Beth Czerwony, MS, RD, CSOWM, and LD warns that you can overdo it. “Caffeine is a stimulant that affects your body in a variety of ways,” Czerwony explains. “Can you tell me how much caffeine is too much?” you must consider the advantages and disadvantages. “

In a day, how much caffeine should you consume?

Depending on who you are, you may or may not be able to do so. Caffeine is not suitable for all people. Caffeine should be avoided by several persons, including:

  • Children.
  • Those who are on anti-anxiety medications.
  • Women who are expecting a child or who are nursing.
  • People who have a cardiac condition or have high blood pressure.

Caffeine is harmless in moderation if you’re generally healthy. These are the limits. Caffeine should not be used in excess of 400 milligrams (mg) per day by healthy persons. That’s around four 8-ounce cups of brewed coffee or ten cola cans. Caffeine consumption for teenagers should be kept to fewer than 100 mg per day (one 8-ounce cup of coffee or about two cans of cola).

Caffeine’s negative side effects

Caffeine, on the other hand, isn’t all bad. Caffeine, as a stimulant, may increase your energy, enhance your physical and mental performance, and even aid fat burning. More isn’t necessarily better, however. Over-caffeinating may cause a variety of unpleasant and sometimes dangerous adverse effects, including:

  • Insomnia

You could seek for coffee to assist you get through the following day if you had a bad night’s sleep. The problem is that too much of it might keep you up the next night. “It’s a vicious circle,” adds Czerwony. Caffeine should be avoided in the afternoon and evening to prevent disturbing your sleep.

  • Anxiety

“Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system,” says Czerwony. “As a consequence, you may feel worried, jittery, or irritated.”Caffeine reduction may help keep such negative effects at bay. However, if you have been diagnosed with anxiety, you should avoid coffee completely.Heart palpitations and a speeding heart are two symptoms of heart palpitations.Many individuals suffer from anxiety and heart palpitations. Caffeine may exacerbate both of these problems.Heart palpitations cause the sensation that your heart is speeding, fluttering, or skipping a beat. They aren’t generally harmful, but they may be worrisome, which is a good reason to forego that double espresso.

  • Dehydration

Caffeine has a diuretic effect, which means it causes you to urinate. Furthermore, if you drink coffee all day, you’re probably not getting enough water. Drink lots of water, as well as any caffeinated drinks, to prevent getting dehydrated.

  • Blood pressure that is too high

Caffeine has been shown in studies to induce moderate increases in heart rate and blood pressure. This rise might be dangerous for persons who already have high blood pressure or other cardiac issues.

caffeine and health
  • indigestion and heartburn

“Caffeine might increase stomach acid production,” explains Czerwony. As a consequence, heartburn sensations become unbearable. Coffee’s acids may exacerbate the condition, but it’s not the sole cause. Acid reflux may also be triggered by caffeine, which can be found in soda and other foods. She adds, “Too much caffeine might induce gastrointestinal difficulties.”

  • Toxic effects of caffeine

Caffeine at really high doses may be fatal. That’s one of the reasons Czerwony advises against energy drinks and shots, which may have much more caffeine than a strong cup of coffee. Caffeine may be included in weight-loss pills, and an overdose can cause significant — and perhaps fatal — cardiac rhythm issues.

  • Caffeine deficiency

When you quit drinking a lot of caffeine, your body may experience withdrawal symptoms. You’ll probably have a splitting headache if you don’t have your customary cup of coffee.Rebound weariness is a side effect of caffeine usage. Caffeine helps you stay awake for a brief period of time. When it wears off, though, you may experience a wave of exhaustion that is much worse than what you experienced before the coffee.

How to reduce caffeine use without experiencing withdrawal symptoms

Caffeine sensitivity varies from person to person. You may not need to give up your morning coffee or afternoon soda habit if you’re taking less than 400 mg per day and aren’t disturbed by side effects. What if, on the other hand, you wished your cold brew habit had less power over you? The first step is to figure out how much caffeine you’re ingesting. Many foods and non-food sources contain the stimulant, including:

  • Tea.
  • Soda.
  • Chocolate.
  • Energy drinks.
  • Weight loss supplements.
  • Over-the-counter medications, including some pain relievers.
  • Coffee.

Make a strategy to reduce your caffeine intake once you know where it comes from, adds Czerwony. Reduce your caffeine intake gradually over many weeks to prevent a headache or other withdrawal symptoms. Czerwony suggests substituting half decaf for your regular coffee. Alternatively, try substituting fizzy water or herbal tea with every other can of soda. You’ll discover a balance that keeps you awake and invigorated while avoiding the negative side effects with some trial and error. “Caffeine has certain advantages, but it may get away from you,” Czerwony explains. “An overabundance of a good thing is still an overabundance.”

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