Popular Ways to Do Intermittent Fasting And Schedule

Intermittent fasting has been a popular health fad in recent years. Devotees say it may help them lose weight, enhance their metabolic health, and perhaps even lengthen their lives. Every strategy has the potential to be helpful, but determining which one works best for you is a personal decision. This eating habit may be approached in a variety of ways.

However, you should see a healthcare expert before beginning an intermittent fast or determining how frequently to fast. Intermittent fasting routine may be set in six different ways.

The 16/8 technique is the first.

The 16/8 approach entails fasting for roughly 16 hours each day and limiting your daily eating window to about 8 hours. You may eat two, three, or even four meals inside the dining window. Fitness instructor Martin Berkhan pioneered this strategy, which is also known as the Leangains regimen. It’s as easy as not eating anything after supper and missing breakfast to follow this fasting strategy. For instance, if you eat your last meal at 8 p.m. and don’t eat again until noon the following day, you’ve fasted for 16 hours.

This strategy may be difficult to adjust for persons who are hungry in the morning and want to have breakfast. Many breakfast-skippers, on the other hand, eat in this manner intuitively. During the fast, you may consume water, coffee, and other low-calorie liquids to help you feel less hungry. During your eating window, it’s important to consume mostly healthful meals. If you eat a lot of processed foods or consume a lot of calories, this strategy will not work.


The 16/8 technique entails 16-hour fasts every day. You’ll limit your eating to an 8-hour window each day, during which you’ll consume two, three, or more meals.

The 5:2 calorie-to-calorie 

The 5:2 diet entails eating normally five days a week and lowering your calorie intake to 500–600 calories two days a week. Michael Mosley, a British journalist, popularized this regimen, which is also known as the Fast Diet. On fasting days, ladies should consume 500 calories and males should consume 600 calories. You may, for example, eat regularly every day except Mondays and Thursdays. You consume two modest meals of 250 calories each for ladies and 300 calories each for males for those two days. The 5:2 diet has been demonstrated to be efficient in assisting with weight reduction.


The 5:2 diet, often known as the Fast Diet, consists of consuming 500–600 calories for two days of the week and eating regularly for the other five days.

Fasting from one supper to the next is equivalent to a complete 24-hour fast.

Popular Ways to Do Intermittent Fasting

You’ve finished a full 24-hour fast if you finish dinner at 7 p.m. Monday and don’t eat until supper at 7 p.m. Tuesday. The ultimate outcome is the same whether you fast from breakfast to breakfast or lunch to lunch. During the fast, liquids such as water, coffee, and other low-calorie drinks are tolerated, but solid meals are not. It’s critical that you keep to your usual diet throughout the eating times if you’re doing this to lose weight. In other words, you should eat as much as you would if you weren’t fasting at all.

A complete 24-hour fast may be challenging for many individuals, which is a possible disadvantage of this strategy. You don’t have to go all-in straight soon, however. Starting with 14–16 hours and working your way up is OK.


Fasting on alternate days

You fast every other day when you practice alternate-day fasting. This approach is available in a variety of forms. During fasting days, some of them allow roughly 500 calories. One modest research, however, According to Trusted Source, alternate-day fasting isn’t any more successful than a traditional calorie-restrictive diet for weight reduction or maintenance. A complete fast every other day may seem excessive, thus it is not suggested for beginners. This strategy may cause you to go to bed hungry several times each week, which is unpleasant and unlikely to be sustainable in the long run.


Fasting every other day, either by not eating or by consuming just a few hundred calories, is known as alternate-day fasting.

The Warrior Diet 

Ori Hofmekler, a fitness specialist, created the Warrior Diet. During the day, you consume little portions of fresh fruits and vegetables, and at night, you eat one large meal. Basically, you fast throughout the day and eat inside a 4-hour eating window at night.

One of the earliest popular diets that involve a sort of intermittent fasting was the Warrior Diet. The food options on this diet are quite similar to those on the paleo diet, consisting largely of complete, unprocessed foods.

Want to know about the tricks to lose your weight without diet? Here you go.


The Warrior Diet recommends eating just little portions of vegetables and fruits throughout the day and one large meal at night.

Meal skipping on the spur of the moment

Some of the advantages of intermittent fasting may be obtained without following a planned strategy. Another alternative is to skip meals sometimes, such as when you aren’t hungry or when you are too busy to prepare and eat. Some individuals, on the other hand, eat every few hours to avoid going into starvation mode or losing muscle.

Others’ bodies are built to withstand extended periods of starvation and can go without one or two meals on occasion. You are the only one who really understands yourself. So, if you’re not hungry one day, skip breakfast and have a nutritious lunch and supper instead. You may be able to perform a brief fast if you’re traveling and can’t locate anything you want to eat.

A spontaneous intermittent fast is when you skip one or two meals when you feel like it.

During the non-fasting times, just be sure you consume nutritious, balanced meals.


If you don’t feel hungry or don’t have time to eat, another approach to conducting intermittent fasting is to just miss one or two meals.

Last but not least

Intermittent fasting is a weight-loss strategy that some individuals find effective. It isn’t suitable for everyone. It is not advised for persons who have or are at risk of developing an eating problem. It might also be a problem for those who have underlying health problems.

If you decide to attempt intermittent fasting, remember that the quality of your food is critical. It’s impossible to expect to lose weight and improve your health by bingeing on ultra-processed meals at mealtimes.

Additionally, you should seek medical advice before going on an intermittent fast.

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