Platelet Rich Foods: List of Foods to Increase Platelet Count

Platelets are blood cells that aid in clotting and must be kept at a healthy level. Some individuals, however, suffer thrombocytopenia, or a low platelet count, and must discover strategies to boost their numbers. Certain platelet rich foods may naturally increase a person’s platelet count.

The following foods may help you increase your platelet count:

  • Foods high in folate, vitamins B-12, C, D, and K, and iron-rich foods
  • These nutrients are available as supplements, which may aid in increasing a person’s platelet count.
  • Avoiding goods that lower platelet count, such as alcohol and the artificial sweetener aspartame, may also assist.

Foods to consume

A greater platelet count may be increased by a variety of vitamins and minerals found in food, including:

Foods high in folate

Folate is a B vitamin that is required for healthy blood cells. The synthetic version of folate is folic acid. Adults need at least 400 micrograms (mcg) of folate per day, while pregnant women need 600 mcg, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Trusted Source.

The following foods contain folate or folic acid:

  • Beef liver
  • black-eyed peas
  • fortified breakfast cereals
  • dairy alternatives
  • dark, leafy green vegetables such as spinach and Brussels sprouts
  • Rice \ yeast

People should avoid taking too much folic acid in the form of supplements or fortified meals since it may interfere with vitamin B-12 activity. It is not harmful to consume a lot of folate-rich foods.

Platelet Rich Foods

Foods high in vitamin B-12

The production of red blood cells requires vitamin B-12. Low B-12 levels in the body may also play a role in low platelet counts. People aged 14 and above need 2.4 mcg of vitamin B-12 per day, according to the NIHTrusted Source. Women who are pregnant or nursing need up to 2.8 mcg. Vitamin B-12 may be found in a variety of animal-based products, including:

  • Eggs
  • Beef and beef liver
  • Clams, trout, salmon, and tuna are examples of fish.

Vitamin B-12 is also found in dairy products, although some evidence shows that cow’s milk may impact platelet synthesis. Vitamin B-12 may be found in the following foods for vegetarians and vegans:

  • Cereals with added nutrients
  • Almond milk or soy milk supplements, for example, are fortified dairy replacements.

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Foods high in vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for immune system function. Vitamin C also aids platelet function and improves the body’s capacity to absorb iron, another important component for platelets. Vitamin C is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, including:

  • Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, broccoli Brussels sprouts
  • Red and green bell peppers, kiwifruit
  • Strawberries
Platelet Rich Foods

Vitamin C is destroyed by heat, therefore it’s preferable to consume vitamin C-rich foods fresh whenever possible.

Foods high in vitamin D

Vitamin D helps the bones, muscles, nerves, and immune system to operate properly. Vitamin D is also necessary for the function of the bone marrow cells that create  (PDSA). Sun exposure may help the body create vitamin D, but not everyone gets enough of it every day, particularly if they reside in colder climes or northern areas. Adults between the ages of 19 and 70 need 15 mcg of vitamin D on a daily basis.

Vitamin D may be found in the following foods:

  • fatty fish
  • such as salmon
  • tuna, and mackerel
  • egg yolks
  • fortified milk and yogurt
  • fish liver oils

Vitamin D may be obtained by strict vegetarians and vegans by eating the following foods:

  • grains enhanced with vitamins and minerals
  • orange juice with added vitamins
  • Soy milk and soy yogurt supplements, for example, are fortified dairy replacements.
  • mushrooms that have been exposed to the sun
  • Foods high in vitamin K
  • Vitamin K is abundant in broccoli.
  • Blood clotting and bone health are both dependent on vitamin K.

According to a PDSA informal survey, 26.98 percent of persons who took vitamin K saw an improvement in platelet counts and bleeding symptoms.

Adults aged 19 and above need 120 micrograms of vitamin K each day. For men, Trusted Source contains 90 mcg and for females, Trusted Source contains 90 mcg.

Vitamin K-rich foods include:

  • leafy greens such as collards, turnip greens, spinach, and kale natto, a fermented soybean dish
  • Soybeans and soybean oil for broccoli
  • pumpkin
Platelet Rich Foods

Foods high in iron

Iron is required for the production of healthy red blood cells and platelets. Iron may boost platelet count in patients with iron deficiency anemia, according to researchTrusted Source conducted on children and teens with the illness. Males over 18 and females over 50, according to the NIHTrusted Source, need 8 milligrams (mg) of iron per day, whereas girls aged 19 to 50 require 18 mg. During pregnancy, women need 27 mg per day.

Foods high in iron include:

  • breakfast cereals enriched with beef liver
  • kidney beans with white beans
  • lentils with a rich chocolate sauce
  • tofu

To boost iron absorption, combine vegetarian iron sources such beans, lentils, and tofu with a vitamin C source. When taking calcium supplements or consuming calcium-rich foods, avoid ingesting iron sources at the same time.

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Foods to stay away from-

Platelet counts may be lowered by eating or drinking certain foods and beverages, such as:

  • Bitter lemon aspartame,
  • an artificial sweetener cranberry juice quinine a chemical found in tonic water
  • Supplements

According to certain studies, several substances in food may increase platelet counts:

The following are some of the supplements:


Chlorophyll is a plant pigment that is green in color. Although evidence on its usefulness is limited, taking chlorophyll may help with some of the symptoms of a low platelet count.

Chlorophyll is abundant in algae-based supplements like chlorella. Chlorella is recommended by the PDSA as a supplement for those who have a low platelet count.

After consuming chlorella, 19% of respondents in their study reported improved platelet counts, and 33% reported improvements in bleeding symptoms.

Extract of papaya leaves

When compared to other mice in research Trusted Source, papaya leaf extract dramatically raised platelet and red blood cell counts. More study, particularly on human subjects, is required. Papaya leaf extract is sold in tablet form at health shops.


Melatonin is a hormone generated by the body that aids in the regulation of the internal body clock. Melatonin has been linked to enhanced platelet counts in animal studies. More study is needed, however, to see how effective it is for those with low platelet counts. Melatonin is sold at health shops as a liquid, pill, or topical.

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